Virtual Wardrobe Support

This virtual service allows you full flexibility to benefit from Slow Style Mindset’s expertise whilst tailoring the session to your budget and time available

Allow yourself the time to create a calm closet.

This service will give you the support you need to breathe new life into your wardrobe, leaving it organised, clutter free and full of items that you love to wear.

Take back control of your wardrobe.

  • This service allows you full flexibility by allowing you to tailor the service to suit your budget and time available.

  • You can decide your priorities, budget and how many hours you need support for.

Areas that can be covered :-

  • Virtual assistance decluttering, categorising and re-organising your wardrobe.

  • Advice on styles to suit your body-shape.

  • Help to understand and embrace your own unique style and relationship with colour.

  • Following a detox, support with items you are unsure whether to let go of.

  • Advice on how to continue streamlining your wardrobe, including handy storage solutions.

  • Support identifying gaps to enable you to shop with purpose and curate a fully functional wardrobe.

  • Assistance to adopt a more sustainable approach to building and managing your wardrobe.

  • £70 per hour.

You tell me your priorities and how many hours you initially wish to have support for and we tailor the session around you.

Having a more streamlined wardrobe, with complimentary garments, will allow you to create multiple outfits whilst buying less. A detox will increase your style confidence and enable you to choose new items with ease, whilst wearing each item in your wardrobe more.

Here are just a few examples of how you can tailor the service and an approximate indication of time allocation:

  • 1 hour - discuss your wardrobe, pressure points, shopping habits, bodyshape and how to execute a detox.

  • 3 - 4 hours - virtual assistance with the completion of your wardrobe detox, support with style identity, bodyshape and real time virtual support over video to make the detox as seamless and effective as possible.

  • 1 hour - support after a detox (whether your detox is completed alone or with my support) to discuss items you are unsure whether to let go of.

  • 1-2 hours - Provide input into current shopping habits and ways in which you can make positive permanent changes to the way you shop, including ways to introduce preloved and a more sustainable approach to your wardrobe.


. This service allows you the flexibility to tailor the support you receive depending on your budget and time available. Charged at £70 per hour, you can choose how much support you require. The length of time a detox takes depends on the size of your wardrobe and number of items it contains.

Book a Virtual Wardrobe Detox