Wardrobe Services

A range of services to breathe new life into your wardrobe leaving it organised, clutter free & full of items you love to wear.

It is more than just a Wardrobe Detox.

With Slow Style Mindset’s help, you will overcome wardrobe overwhelm by aligning your wardrobe to your current lifestyle and bodyshape. You will learn a new, empowering way to shop that is kinder on yourself and the planet, whilst embracing a renewed confidence in your style and shopping habits.

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Make lasting, positive changes.

If getting dressed each morning is overwhelming and unenjoyable, I offer a range of services to support you to get back on track and fall back in love with your style. Your wardrobe is one of the first things you open each morning, so I am here to help you make it a positive, confidence boosting experience

We have years of unravelling to do when it comes to our relationship with clothing. The rise of fast fashion and social media has created shopping habits that encourage overfilled wardrobes and effect our ability to connect with our own unique style.

By dedicating time to understand and re-evaluate your own style and curate a streamlined wardrobe with complimentary garments, you will be able to create multiple outfits whilst buying less. You will also choose outfits with ease, clearly identify gaps & wear each item in your wardrobe more, removing the need for frequent new purchases.

To make lasting changes to the way you shop, there is a process that needs to be followed - and I am here to guide and support you through the journey.